1 Corinthians 16:14 ~ Do everything in love.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Just wanted to wish the hubs a Happy 35th Birthday!!

Bryan is now official labeled MID THIRTIES.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Difference Between Boys and Girls

So...ever since our lives were blessed with a little boy I have said numerous times that there is a huge difference between boys and girls. Bryce is on a whole other level of energy than the girls could have ever dreamed. He is more curious, he's louder, he's FASTER, stronger and at times more determined to try things. Overall he is just so much more intense than the girls ever were at his age. I love the intensity, but it seriously wears me out. The girls never kept me on my toes the way Bryce does. I really can't take my eyes off the boy for 2 seconds.

Today I made the mistake of letting him roam around the upstairs with his sisters while I double checked the location for Sydney's first soccer practice today. I was on the computer for a short minute or two when my ears zoned in on the words, "Yah! Pee Pee in the potty!! Yah!!". I jumped up and happily noticed Bryce was fully dressed. He keeps up his enthusiastic clapping and pee pee chanting so I immediately look in the bathroom to find...


Oh yes. An entire roll of toilet paper gone. Did I ever experience something like this with the girls. That would be a no!

This was not a huge problem mind you, but a WHOLE roll of toilet paper soaking in the toilet isn't great either. Clearly this couldn't be flushed.
So, once again, mom took one for the team and fished the toilet paper out of the toilet into a plastic bag only to realize that the previous occupant hadn't flushed their pee pee down the toilet.
Can you say...eww?
Seriously, just my luck!
All the while I had the cutest little cheerleader saying "Yah! Pee pee. Bye bye pee pee". I guess he thought by putting all the toilet paper in the potty it was the same as him actually going to the potty.

Apparently we still have a long ways to go on our journey of potty training!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of Preschool!

Jordyn had her first day of her last year in preschool today. She is going to Wildwood Baptist Preschool again this year. She is in a 4 year old class going four days a week for 3 hours a day. This year she is in the "Busy Bears" class. Her teachers are Mrs. Jeannie and Mrs. Barbara and I know they are going to do a great job getting Jordyn ready for Kindergarten.

Jordyn was so excited about starting school today. She was even more excited to hear that she gets to go do it all over again tomorrow. I can't wait to see how this last year of preschool unfolds for her.

Looking good for school!

She has her bag and it's time to go.

Waiting in carpool for them to open the school doors.

And there she goes.
She didn't even look back once.

Bryce was in the back of the car saying,
"Oh no Je-ju (Jordyn). Oh no, bye bye".
He was very upset that we left her there!

Bryce's Dedication

This past Sunday we had Bryce's "Baby Dedication" at church. A dedication is basically a public acknowledgment by Bryan and I that we are going to raise our son in a Christian home.
We would have done Bryce's dedication when he was an infant, but with the news of CF, and being told not to take him in public places we decided to hold off.
So finally 2 years later we got around to this special event.
We had some of our family there to support us and afterward we all went to lunch.

Sadly I didn't get a family photo from the event. I also had a time trying to get a photo of Bryce. The kid will NOT sit still long enough for me to snap a photo. Here are a few of the photos I did manage to get though...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dancing Days

Dance class is back in session. The girls were so excited to get back to dancing. Jordyn was thrilled to have her tiny little friend Ana in her class again. Jordyn's class is a tap and ballet combined class lasting 45 mins. Sydney is taking ballet, tap AND jazz this year. Now that she is in 2nd grade they don't combine the class into a tap and ballet class. It's all separate classes. When I asked her what classes she wanted to take she said she wanted to do all three. So now every Thursday we spend 2 hours and 45 mins at dance classes.

Friday, August 20, 2010

August Clinic Visit

Yesterday was our August clinic visit. Most of you reading this know what clinic is, but for those of you who don't...

We go to clinic every 3 months and meet with Bryce's CF care team. This team is a mix of doctors, nurses, respiratory specialists, nutritionists, pharmacists and social worker. The CF team at Childrens Health Care of Atlanta (CHOA) are fabulous. I adore this team and am so grateful Bryce has such a great group of people looking after his health. After each clinic we are given a piece of paper outlining his care and goals until the next clinic visit. It's nice to have a nice little summary of the visit and where Bryce is as far as his health goals are when we leave. Very handy to have all the information in one place on one piece of paper. I keep all of his care plans in a binder that I take to all of his doctor appointments.
Not a whole lot to report from this clinic, which I expected because things with Bryce have been going pretty smoothly. I hope I didn't just jinx him by typing that. ;) Bryce's lungs are fabulous. The inside of his nose is fabulous. His energy is fabulous...as we all know! Nothing changing on his medications as of now. The only area we are focusing on currently is digestive.

Now for those of you who aren't familiar with CFers...not all, but most have digestive issues. To give you a heads up I'm telling you now that I am about to talk about poop. If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be some what of an expert on poop I would have laughed. But here we are, parents of a little Fibro and thus experts on poop. Bryce poops at least 3 to 4 times a day...sometimes more. Sometimes they are solid, sometimes smooshy, sometimes gritty, sometimes oily and every so often they are fatty looking. His poop seems to be different from day to day. Our GI doc didn't like to hear this, "Something is off with his enzymes". Bryce should be pooping more "solid" poops only 1 to 2 times a day. This is our goal for next clinic. To reach this goal we are going to approach some of his meals differently. One way is to not give him milk with his meals. Dr. P seems to think he isn't wanting to eat because he is filling up on his milk. He has to have the milk, but he also needs to eat actual food so I just need to find the right balance. Over the next couple of weeks I am going to play around with a few ideas to see what works best for him. One of these being giving him his high calorie shake in the morning for breakfast since he doesn't want to eat in the morning, but only wants to drink.
Any advice or ideas from fellow CF parents is welcomed!!

As far as Bryce's weight, we didn't meet our weight goal this time around...we were JUST under it. His goal was 29 lbs, but he was at 28.8 lbs. I know so close, but I like to BEAT it! His BMI went down from 47% to 42%. Not a huge deal, but I really want him to get that 50% goal we set so long ago. I wasn't surprised we dropped because since last clinic: Bryce has shot up in height (76 percentile), and has decided he has no time for eating because being active is much more important. All of this activity is burning up the few calories I am getting him to eat. SO hence no big change in weight.

Overall a good clinic visit. Going to work on the balance of enzymes and meals and milk and keep everything else the same.
Here are a few pictures from our visit.

Getting weighed in triage.

Bryce checking on Jordyn's lungs with his own personal stethoscope. He thought it was so cool I actually let him play with it.

Watching the cars outside while we wait on the next person to visit us.

This is what 3 hours in a 10 x 10 room looks like.
He was spent and ready to go home.

Not after 5 mins of being in the car for the 45 min drive home (thanks to traffic) he was out like a light!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Love Note

I was in my usual morning rush rush rush routine when this little guy greeted me on top of the coffee maker.

What a great way to start my day! I might have to put in a request that I get one of these daily...
or at least once a week!

This "best wife in the world" has the

In the words of Salt-n-Pepa:
What a man, what a man, what a man,
What a mighty good man.

~Now is this song stuck in your head?~

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

Jordyn: "Mom. When I grow up I want to be a cooker and a mommy."

Me: "A cooker and a mommy? I think that sounds like a great idea. Where do you want to be a cooker at?"

Jordyn: "Ohhh, maybe IHOP. Or Chick-fil-a. Or Taco Bell. Anywhere really!"

Me: "Wow. Those are all great choices!"

Meanwhile I was thinking to myself....

Clearly we need to take this child out for more fine dining.

After this conversation I had to grab the camera to get this on video. Not as cute as the original conversation, but always cute to listen to her sweet little voice.

Monday, August 9, 2010

50 Days of Summer: Day 50

Wow! Here we are at the end of 50 Days of Summer. I've had fun posting a daily update of what we have done this summer.

To wrap up 50 Days here are even more photos of our way too short summer break. I tried to use photos that haven't been posted yet so hopefully none of these are repeats.

We may not have had the funds to take the kiddos on any fabulous trips, but we still had ourselves a wonderful summer spent with family and friends. Lots of memories made for sure. Doesn't get much better than that...

*Thanks to Lil AK (you know who you are) for letting me steal some of your pictures!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

50 Days of Summer: Day 49

Happy Birthday to my DAD!

His birthday is August 9th, but we celebrated a little early over the weekend. I love getting together with family. It's up there on my list of favorites.
I cooked a spaghetti dinner and made a yummy chocolate cake.

The kids were so excited to eat cake, but they were even more excited about giving Pop his birthday gift.

What did Pop get for his birthday??

He has been talking about getting a pair of Crocs to kick around the house in for a while now.

Bryce showing Pop how to wear his new Crocs.

Our attempt to have Dad take a photo with all the kids.
This was the one and only picture we tried...I wonder why?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

50 Days of Summer: Day 48

Bryce is 100% boy!

He LOVES tools.

He got some tools for his birthday that he loves, but Papa introduced him to a whole new world when he let Bryce hold his drill. Bryce thought this was the best thing ever. The longer he held the drill the more "exploring" he wanted to do with it. After trying to drill the bed and the floor, Papa got him a piece of plywood and trim so he could practice his drilling skills. I was very impressed that he could even hold the drill up because those things are heavy.

He is saying, "Cheeese!"

Feeling the drill bit turn in his hand. He found this fascinating.

He is making a 2 year old mental note to remember the difference between THIS drill and a toy drill.

Can I get one of these?

Mommy mental note: Christmas idea. ;)

50 Days of Summer: Day 47

* This was yesterday's post so I'm a day late. I was so tired last night that I didn't have it in me to sit down for an update.

They don't call it HOTLANTA for the fun of it.

People it is HOT here in the "Dirty Dirty".

August is always a boiling hot month in Georgia, but for some reason it feels hotter to me this year. As I got in the car the other day to pick Sydney up from her first day of school the thermometer on my car read:

The heat index was 108 that day.

Doesn't exactly seem like going back to school weather does it?!

I am a lover of summer and the hot weather because I am always cold, but I'm pretty much over this blistering heat. Not to mention the electric bill that comes along with keeping a house tolerable in the heat.
Our last electric bill was the highest we have ever had.
My guess, August bill will be even more...

I'd never thought I would say this, but bring on the Fall already.
And bring on the best part of Fall:


Thursday, August 5, 2010

50 Days of Summer: Day 46


My little lady is off to her first day of 2nd grade.
Sydney was so excited and so ready to walk out the door this morning. I pulled myself out of bed to sit with her while she ate breakfast and of course to snap a few first day of school photos. I can't wait for her to get home and tell me all about her new class, teacher and friends. I love watching that girl talk with her cute animated face and no front teeth.
I wonder what HOMEWORK will have in store for us this year. I dread the homework...but don't tell her that! ;)
Hooray for 2nd grade!

Sporting her new backpack and lunchbox.
Hearts and peace sign design...what more could a girl want?

Sydney and Mrs. Washington!