1 Corinthians 16:14 ~ Do everything in love.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May 2024


So. May was what you could call BUSY. Ridiculously busy and exhausting. Bryan was out of town for 2 of the weekends with volleyball. Jordyn finished up her dual-enrollment school year and was ready for graduation festivities (grad stuff took up an entire week). Bryce had back-to-back tournament weekends and club tryouts. Sydney wrapped up her spring semester, was a lucky duck and went on two beach vacations, got a promotion at work and was prepping to move into a house in Dahlonega with 2 roommates (she moves June 1st). Since Sydney pretty much lives in Dahlonega now we don't get to see her as often as we would like, but she did make it home for all the graduation celebrations. I was just trying to keep everything organized and running like a well oiled machine.  

In this post I will add in everything that doesn't have to do with graduation for Jordyn. Graduation events will get their own posts because there are a ton of photos! 

Okay - first up...soccer tournaments for Bryce. As soon as the high school season wrapped up, Bryce was back to work with his club team. They played in a tournament and a showcase. I was really impressed with how well they played after being apart for 4 or 5 months. 


Jordyn's last day of Senior year! She dual-enrolled at KSU all year long and...no surprise, finished with all As!

Oh yea...Mother's Day. I tell ya, they should move Mother's Day to a different month. There is NO down time for moms in the month of May. I didn't even see my own mom on Mother's Day! I spent the day at the soccer fields as usual, but we were able to squeeze in a photo of me with my babes before the day ended. That was all I needed! 

Jordyn was awarded a scholarship from the PTA. She had applied so long ago she forgot she applied so it was a nice surprise to learn that she won! We will take all the help we can get paying for school.

I have to mention - Jordyn's wearing the dress I wore for Bryan and I's engagment photos!

Finally the last day of school for Bryce! He was relieved to finish up his Freshman year. I think he is most excited about not having to take Spanish anymore. Since Bryce got home early from his last final he was able to help ambush little James with water guns when he got off the bus! 

Last day of school in red... First day of school below in gray. 


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