1 Corinthians 16:14 ~ Do everything in love.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

January 2024


As life does, it keeps moving even when you would rather is slow waaayy down. In the midst of saying goodbye school, soccer, volleyball and birthdays continued. Bryan had practices and travel tournaments. Bryce had tryouts for high school soccer and made the JV squad. This was huge as 84 boys tried out for two teams...they only took 42 boys total. 

In early January, Jordyn and I headed to Tampa for the DPL Playoffs. The girls went undefeated and earned a spot to Nationals in June, but they opted not to attend. Honestly, if they had gone I don't think Jordyn would have. Not because she doesn't love soccer, but because she didn't want to spend her last summer before college traveling for soccer. 

Next up for Jordyn was NPL Playoffs, which were in Georgia. Yah! I know the different initials are confusing, but Jordyn's team played in two different leagues (DPL and NPL). They went undefeated in both leagues, but came up short in the NPL finals. Jordyn played her very last club soccer game on the same moring that Papa passed. I can't deny that the tears came when she was subbed off the the field for the last time. Everything hit me in that moment. 

It has been an absolute joy watching this girl play soccer the past 12 years. She's an amazing player and I do hope she continues playing in some sort of form in college whether it be intramural or club.  

That's a wrap on club soccer for Jordyn!

Next up on the agenda was the Presidental Scholarship Interview Weekend at Mercer University for Jordyn. The top applicants to Mercer are invited to an interview weekend where they can earn additional scholoarships. When Jordyn applied to Mercer she was awarded a $25,000 merit scholarship. A few weeks after the interview weekend we learned that she received an additional $3,500 scholarship. With Hope and a few other smaller scholarships Jordyn earned a total of $36,000 per year for Mercer University, which is AMAZING. With that said, Mercer is a a lot more than that per year so Jordyn had some big decisions to make. 

To wrap up the end of a very long month we celebrated June's 3rd birthday. Can't believe this cutie is already 3! 

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