1 Corinthians 16:14 ~ Do everything in love.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

February 2024

February was full of the typical cold and gloomy weather. We had high school soccer for Bryce and Jordyn decided to swtich things up this year and run track instead of playing high school soccer. It was fun watching her try something new.  

Who's going to get the ball...


Tracking while bracing for impact...

Catching while being slammed into...

More of the impact...

No goal today! 
Nice work Bryce! 

That's rain. It POURED and the wind was crazy during this game. Oh and it was freezing. 
Gotta love "spring" sports.  

First track meet for Jordyn. She had 2 races. We were there for 5 hours and she ran for less than 4 mintues, which is MUCH different than a soccer game or soccer tournament! 

And one last photo of the parents. This is us on the field of one of Bryce's home games. I volunteered to take photos of the JV team all season. 

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