After almost 5 months of not being in a school building my kiddos headed back to school on August 3rd. Our county gave us the option of going back to school via face to face or digitally. We opted for face to face because I feel like my kids learn better face to face and they need to be around people!!! Plus, Bryan is a teacher so he was going to be in the school anyway.
The girls were the first ones out the door. Jordyn starting her Freshman year and Sydney starting her SENIOR year.
SENIOR!! Class of 2021!
FRESHMAN! Class of 2024!
Bryce is now the last one out the door. He's in 6th grade...his first year of middle school! He is thrilled that he gets to sleep in later now that he is in middle school. Not going to lie, I enjoy it too.
Here's a photo of Sydney and her friends on the first day of school. It's a tradition for the Seniors to wear black on the first day of school: Back In Black. Sydney is the only one of her friends that is on the Etowah campus this year since they are all dual enrolling. Sydney has been friends with the twins since she was 7 maybe? They met on Sydney's first soccer team if I remember correctly and then also went to elementary school together. She met Morgan and Hannah in 6th grade. Emmalee isn't pictured, but Syd and Emmalee met in 4th grade. These girls are Sydney's peoples!

The day before school started Bryan, Jordyn and I went up to the school to decorate Sydney's parking spot in chalk. It's a tradition to decorate the Senior's parking spots, which I didn't know was a thing until a few days before. Jordyn and I looked up some ideas online and decided a Pac-Man theme was the winner. Took us about an hour to complete and then we called Sydney to come up to the school to take a look. She had no idea we were doing this for her. She loved it!
Currently the girls school is closed until August 31st due to COVID so they are currently doing virtual learning. They had 14 positive cases with 15 pending cases and once you do the contact tracing for each case it sent a lot of kids home so they decided to send everyone home for 2.5 weeks. The media has made this into a bigger deal than it is, go figure. Our school district and the administrators at our school are doing an awesome job and I very much appreciate their transparency through this whole ordeal. I am also very grateful for the CHOICE to have my children in school face to face. Keep up he good work Cherokee County!
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