A day late on this post, BUT I have a great excuse. I was exhausted after yesterday's big shindig. I got home with every intention of posting, but I heated up a slice of pizza, opened up a cold beverage and sat on my couch playing Candy Crush. It didn't take any brain usage and it was awesome. The bonus was when I got home from helping mom clean her house my gem of a husband already had the kids in bed.
On to the good stuff.
Yesterday we celebrated Sydney's upcoming 10th birthday. Since her birthday is still a few days away I will not say that she is 10...because she is my 9-year-old for a few more days. I have to squeeze everything I can out of each year and for some reason this whole turning double-digits thing is really getting to me!! There's no way it's been 10 years. I just know that everything will change from this point out and I'm slightly scared, a little nervous, but excited all at the same time.
So "Upcoming Double-Digit Celebration" was a complete success. I think it might have been Sydney's best party to date. It was one FUN party. She had a fabulous turn out of family and friends. It was the most kids she has ever had make it to one of her parties. With a July 3rd birthday usually the majority of her guest list out of town on vacation.
Sydney Faith
Jordyn Brooke
Want to know who the hardest kid to photograph on the planet is.
This one right here.
Bryce Carter
Had to share. If looks could kill. He was giving Bryan the stink eye, which didn't turn out so well for him. :/
I'll keep the writing to a minimum and get to what you guys visit our blog for in the first place. The pictures! There are a TON of pictures as usual. I'm trigger happy on the camera and took over 400, but have gotten it down to just under 300 on my first round of cuts.
The party started out with water gun fights.
Team effort.
Jordyn and one of her BFF's - Lisa.
Meredith with a cannon ball.
Nice form Syd!
After some debating as the chain grew bigger they wisely decided to break into smaller groups.
First group!
And then little ladies. Jordyn with her two besties: Lisa and cousin Maisie.
Sydney, Cassidy and the twins, Victoria and Olivia.
Getting "dry" in preparation for pizza.
Big brother Max.
Little brother Miles. (This kid is SO photogenic. I love taking pictures of him.)
The spread - the girls devoured all this food!
Nothing better than swimming, food and friends.
Nothing like a water balloon fight to help the food settle!
Our lefty.
Water balloon fight is over. Sydney finds a lone balloon. I saw her across the pool contemplating what to do with it. This is her busted face when called over to her!
Cake Time!
The girls BELTING out Happy Birthday.
They were that loud! Sydney loved it.
She got all TEN of them.
Maisie is thinking:
Man, turning 10 must be pretty amazing.
Next up: Presents!
Honey and Ezra having a conversation.
After the food, cake and presents there was still plenty of time more swimming.
Adult man diving into a baby ring. Always entertaining.
Jumping and twisting.
And then...
Humping through the "donut float". This turned out to be the best idea! The kids had a blast jumping through the hole. The goal was to jump through without touching the float.
Victoria diving.
Maisie with a clean dive!
Bryce went for more of a leap jump and nailed it.
Cassidy with a nice dive.
Alex with a nice leap jump.
Whoa...Uncle Andy stepped it up a notch and went over the float.
Nicely done Uncle Andy!
Sam with a nice hole in one.
Meredith went up and over.
Megan decided to go over!
Will they both fit?
Olivia with very nice diving form.
Go Sydney!
Genevieve stepped it up and did a FLIP through the float.
Go Jordyn!
Bryan and Uncle Andy were giving Riley a hard time. It was funny, but she got Bryan back later by pushing Bryan in the pool when he wasn't expecting it.
Uncle Andy showing off his flipping skills.
On the other end of the pool Max was showing off his jumping skills off too!
Liz was showing off her twisting skills.
She said: Make sure you put that one of the Internet. ;)
Sydney with another dive.
Victoria with the "high dive".
You got this Maisie!
Uncle Bryan and Uncle Andy joking with Maisie.
Lowered it a little and she nailed it.
Nice one Jordyn!
Riley decided to go through it backwards. No fear.
Ashely watching the action from the water.
Lovely Lauren watching from the bench.
Nice job Lisa!
My cute nephew - Ezra.
Papa and Ezra watching the fun in the shade.
Thank you so very much to everyone for coming to celebrate with Sydney. What a great bunch of kids. Hopefully I posted at least one picture of each kid. Out of all those pictures I didn't get ONE photo of me with my Little Lady nor did I get a family picture. Oh well. I'll make up for it on her actual birthday.
We have 3 more days with a 9-year-old.
Still can't believe it.