It's official...
Bryce loves and I do mean LOVES his new bike helmet. It doesn't seem to matter to him that he doesn't have a bike to accompany his new rockin' race car helmet. He doesn't care, he just knows he looks killer in it. Bryce woke up nice and early today and insisted on putting his helmet on right away. Every so often I would ask him if he wanted to take it off. The response each and every time was "Nope". Bryce wore his helmet from 6:30 this morning until 2:00 this afternoon when I insisted that he take it off for his nap. He got up from his nap and immediately put his helmet back on.
I think we can officially well spent!

It's official...
Bryce loves and I do mean LOVES his new bike helmet. It doesn't seem to matter to him that he doesn't have a bike to accompany his new rockin' race car helmet. He doesn't care, he just knows he looks killer in it. Bryce woke up nice and early today and insisted on putting his helmet on right away. Every so often I would ask him if he wanted to take it off. The response each and every time was "Nope". Bryce wore his helmet from 6:30 this morning until 2:00 this afternoon when I insisted that he take it off for his nap. He got up from his nap and immediately put his helmet back on.
I think we can officially well spent!
It's official...
The holiday season is in full swing at the Jones' house!!
Tonight we took our annual trip to see Santa. I like to go see Santa early in the season because I feel like I'm getting the less "germy" Santa.
I could tell the girls were super excited about the visit because they were beyond silly. Anything and everything was making them giggle.
I remember those days and it's so fun to watch the kids enjoy it now too.
Bryce did awesome with Santa. He sat on his lap and even looked at the camera to smile when we asked him too. Amazing...why couldn't he do that during the family photos we took earlier this week?? Sigh.
Sydney asked for Zoobles and Magic Tree House Books.
(Can you believe the kid asked for books?!)
Jordyn asked for a Jasmine doll. That's it. Nothing else. I think Santa might surprise her with a Jasmine doll AND a Hello Kitty bike. ;)
Bryce asked for a bike to go along with his new super cool helmet.
After seeing Santa we walked down to the Disney Store. I'm thankful we didn't go to the Disney Store before we saw Santa. I have a feeling the list of wants would have been much longer. Jordyn RAN into the store ahead of us saying ohhh and ahhh over pretty much everything. I love that she is such a girlie girl.
When we arrived home we were pleasantly surprised to see good old Buddy sitting on the kitchen table. Who's Buddy you ask...he's our elf that comes to visit each year. I'm betting most of you know about Elf on the Shelf. If you aren't familiar and you have kids, I highly recommend starting the tradition at your house. It's fun for the whole family and having Buddy around reminds the kids to be on their best behavior.
(BTW - you name your own elf. Who named our elf? I'll give you 2 guesses.) Sydney has already made Buddy a card welcoming him back. Apparently she really really really missed him. ;)
I wonder where the kids will find him tomorrow...
After we read our Elf on the Shelf book the kids hopped in their Christmas pajamas from last year and we watched what else...Elf! You know the holiday season has officially begun once you watch Elf. Elf is one of those movies we don't seem to ever get tired of. Now for the next month and half you will hear us randomly saying things such as:
"This is Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?"
"I like to smile. Smiling's my favorite."
"I'm a cotton-headed ninny muggins."
"I'm singing. I'm in a store and I'm siiiinnnnggggiiiiinnnggggg!"
"I like to smile. Smiling's my favorite."
"I'm a cotton-headed ninny muggins."
"I'm singing. I'm in a store and I'm siiiinnnnggggiiiiinnnggggg!" does your family kick off the holidays??
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